More than 1000 Home remedies


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Totally free app with more than 1000 home remedies related to this problems/diseasesAbscess Acidity And Gas Acne Alcohol Detox Alzheimer's Disease Anemia Anxiety Aging Arteriosclerosis Arthritis Asthma Attention Deficit Disorder Athlete's Foot Backache Insect Bite - Bee Sting Bed Sores Bladder Infection Bloodshot Eyes Boils Body Odor Bone Fracture Bronchitis Bruises And Bruising Burns Bleeding Bulimia Celiac Disease Dog Bite Candida Canker Sores Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cataract Chicken Pox Cholesterol Cold Sores Constipation Cough Corns Cramping Cuts Cystitis Dandruff Dark Circles Dermatitis (Eczema) Diabetes Diarrhea Dizziness Ear Infection Ent Endometriosis Erectile Dysfunction Fatigue Syndrome Fever Fibrocystic Breast Fibromyalgia Flatulence Flu Fungal Infection Gallbladder Glaucoma Hair Loss Headache Heartburn Hemorrhoids High Blood Pressure Impotence Improve Appetite Insomnia Intestinal Worms Itching Jaundice Kidney Stone Leucorrhoea Low Blood Pressure Menstrual Stomach Ache Migraine Breast Feeding Problems Measles Mumps Morning Sickness Nail Care Nausea And Vomiting Nervousness Neuritis Osteoporosis Overweight/obesity Peptic Ulcer Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy - Bph Psoriasis Tobacco Dependency Rash Rectal Abscess/fissures Rectal Itching Sore Throat Diabetic Retinopathy Rosacea Scars Scabies Skin Problems Wrinkles Snoring Thyroid Tinnitus Toenail Fungus Toothache Tuberculosis Varicose Veins Vitiligo Warts Women's Health Yeast Infection DISCLAIMERThis app provides natural home remedies for some common ailments. All health-related information provided via our site is intended to educate and inform visitors about illnesses and conditions and ways to maintain optimum health. You expressly acknowledge and agree that access to and use of this app and the information on the app is at your sole risk.
This app does not provide medical or any other health care or fitness advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The site and its services are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical or health advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional before starting any new treatment, making any changes to existing treatment, or altering in any way your current exercise or diet regimen. Do not delay seeking or disregard medical advice based on information on this app
While we try to keep the information as accurate as possible, we disclaim any implied warranty or representation about its accuracy or completeness. The reader assumes full responsibility for using the information on this app.